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For the future, there are many different positive things that I want for my life. From my education to my overall life quality I want to be successful. Starting with some short-term goals would be to pass all my upcoming tests and keep my grades up. This can be achieved by doing my work and always showing up to class. This can also be achieved by paying attention in class and being optimistic about the grades I will get and the overall outcome of the class. Instead of saying I am going to fail a class I can say that I will understand the topic and will pass my tests. Another short-term goal is being apart of the volleyball team and winning games. This along with keeping my grades up. Along with getting a baby turtle and naming him Darwin. Some future goals for my career would be to figure out what I truly want to do. Right now I have many careers I want to pursue but right now I want to be a doctor and go into Forensic Science. I also want to design my own clothes and build a brand of my own. I would want to go to a college out of state. This would be FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine which is in Florida. I would want to live off campus, but still close to the family I have there and having a part-time job in Florida based on my other interests. I will also have a Mercedes Benz C63S. As for relationships, I don't want anything to be rushed. But for the time being, it should be someone who shares a lot of the same interest with me, but also knows a lot that I don’t so we can teach each other. I also would like this person to love having a fun going on adventures. Whether it is a smile adventure around the neighborhood or a trip halfway around the world. This person would also always make me laugh and we would joke around all the time, but also knows how to be serious when it is time.

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