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For this Project I made a board describing me and focused on the typography of it. This meaning the different fonts used. In this Project I first focused on my name. I took a picture from online. Then I  took the horizontal mask text and I chose my font and different font sizes from the characters panel. Once I did this I cut out my name from the part of the image I wanted the background to be. After this I cut and pasted it onto a new layer. After this I added a black background for it to allow the text of my name to stand out. Finally I took different fonts and font sizes to write different words to describe myself. Along with this I also added little symbols for some words. When I was placing the images I had to change the image to a lighten to allow the background of the picture to not show up, and only focus on the symbol itself. Once I did this I save for web and made sure it was under 50K and to make sure it would not be

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