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This is a retouched image from an old passport image. When retouching this image I mainly focused on using two specific tools. These tools were the Spot Healing Brush tool and the Healing Brush tool. These two tools are very similar but work best for different things when retouching an image. The Spot Healing Brush tool simply takes the surrounding pixels and matches this to the area that needs retouching. When retouching using the tool it matches the texture as well to take away the blemished of the image. The other tool I mainly used was the Healing Brush tool. This tool is very similar to the Spot Healing Brush tool, but this tool allows you to select a specific area where u want the blemishes to match. When doing this you want to find an area that is very close or similar to the area with the blemish. This is because you want to make the image as realistic as possible. When selecting the area you want to match with you hole option and left click to select your area. Then with each of these tools, you slowly make little strokes or dots to cover up the blemishes or retouch the area. After I finished retouching my images I added different text to differentiate the before picture and the after picture and added a title. Then I added a background of the Dominican flag. When doing this I lowered the Opacity so that the colors don't take away from the words or the picture, so there was a slight fade. Finally, I optimized the picture so that when this image is being uploaded the file size won't be too big. 

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