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When creating this photoshop project I got an image of a hand with a missing finger so I could clone it. When doing this I first made a copy of the original image so I could retouch the copied image. To retouch the image I used the cloning tool and I selected the index finger and used that for the missing finger or the ring finger. This was done in its own layer because if there was a mistake later on it would be easier to fix rather than having it on the copied image itself. After having the clone used the move tool to rotate the image a little bit to make it look more realistic. Then I used the healing tool and the spot healing tool to make the part where the palm and the fingerless harsh. I also did this on its own later just so that it des not  interfere with the clone of the finger. So I somewhat blended the color of the palm and the finger. After this, I put the two images side by side to show the before and after. 

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